Test Bank For Nutrition for Health and Healthcare 6th Edition By DeBruyne Pinna

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Test Bank For Nutrition for Health and Healthcare 6th Edition By DeBruyne Pinna

Chapter  2

True / False

1. ​Segmentation begins when a bolus enters the esophagus.

  a.  True

  b.  False

ANSWER:   False

REFERENCES:   2.1 Anatomy of the Digestive System

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:   NHHE.DEBR.17.2.1 – Describe the path that food takes during digestion and the muscular actions of digestion.

KEYWORDS:   Bloom’s: Remember

2. Bacteria in the colon protect people from some infections.​

  a.  True

  b.  False

ANSWER:   True

REFERENCES:   2.2 The Process of Digestion

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:   NHHE.DEBR.17.2.2 – Describe the actions and origins of the digestive secretions.

KEYWORDS:   Bloom’s: Understand

3. The idea of “food-combining diets,” or avoiding certain combinations of food, is valid- the digestive system cannot handle more than one task at a time.​

  a.  True

  b.  False

ANSWER:   False

REFERENCES:   2.3 The Absorptive System

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:   NHHE.DEBR.17.2.3 – Describe the anatomical details of the GI tract and the features and activities of intestinal cells that facilitate nutrient absorption.

KEYWORDS:   Bloom’s: Apply

4. Low-density lipoproteins, or LDL, are often referred to as “good” cholesterol.​

  a.  True

  b.  False

ANSWER:   False

REFERENCES:   2.4 Transport of Nutrients

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:   NHHE.DEBR.17.2.4 – Explain the process of nutrient delivery from the GI tract to body cells by the vascular system and the three types of lipoproteins.

KEYWORDS:   Bloom’s: Remember

5. ​Hands should be washed with soap and water often during food preparation in order to reduce the risk of foodborne illness.

  a.  True

  b.  False

ANSWER:   True

REFERENCES:   2.5 Nutrition in Practice: Food Safety

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:   NHHE.DEBR.17.2.5 – Explain the causes and effects of foodborne illnesses in humans and the methods of ensuring food safety.

KEYWORDS:   Bloom’s: Understand

6. ​Another name for the digestive tract is the:

  a.  ​urinary tract.

  b.  exocrine system.

  c.  gastrointestinal tract.​

  d.  ​muscular system.

  e.  gastroesophageal system.​


REFERENCES:   2.1 Anatomy of the Digestive Tract

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:   NHHE.DEBR.17.2.1 – Describe the path that food takes during digestion and the muscular actions of digestion.

KEYWORDS:   Bloom’s: Remember

7. Identify the correct order of the digestive tract from beginning to end.

  a.  stomach, mouth, large intestine

  b.  pharynx, rectum, stomach

  c.  lower esophageal sphincter, esophagus, rectum

  d.  mouth, stomach, anus

  e.  pharynx, large intestine, pyloric sphincter


REFERENCES:   2.1 Anatomy of the Digestive Tract

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:   NHHE.DEBR.17.2.1 – Describe the path that food takes during digestion and the muscular actions of digestion.

KEYWORDS:   Bloom’s: Remember

8. A bolus is a(n):

  a.  sphincter muscle separating the stomach from the small intestine.

  b.  portion of food swallowed at one time.

  c.  enzyme that hydrolyzes starch.

  d.  portion of partially digested food expelled by the stomach into the duodenum.

  e.  blockage that closes off the trachea to prevent choking.


REFERENCES:   2.1 Anatomy of the Digestive Tract

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:   NHHE.DEBR.17.2.1 – Describe the path that food takes during digestion and the muscular actions of digestion.

KEYWORDS:   Bloom’s: Remember

9. Which of the following is formed in the mouth?

  a.  bile

  b.  stomach acid

  c.  chyme

  d.  villus

  e.  bolus


REFERENCES:   2.1 Anatomy of the Digestive Tract

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:   NHHE.DEBR.17.2.1 – Describe the path that food takes during digestion and the muscular actions of digestion.

KEYWORDS:   Bloom’s: Remember

10. During swallowing of food, which of the following prevents food from entering the lungs?

  a.  lower esophageal sphincter

  b.  pharynx

  c.  ileocecal valve

  d.  epiglottis

  e.  appendix


REFERENCES:   2.1 Anatomy of the Digestive Tract

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:   NHHE.DEBR.17.2.1 – Describe the path that food takes during digestion and the muscular actions of digestion.

KEYWORDS:   Bloom’s: Understand

11. The stomach empties into the:

  a.  ileum.

  b.  cecum.

  c.  jejunum.

  d.  duodenum.

  e.  colon.


REFERENCES:   2.1 Anatomy of the Digestive Tract

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:   NHHE.DEBR.17.2.1 – Describe the path that food takes during digestion and the muscular actions of digestion.

KEYWORDS:   Bloom’s: Understand

12. Chyme is:

  a.  a semiliquid mass of partially digested food.

  b.  a portion of food swallowed at one time.

  c.  an enzyme in the stomach needed for the digestion of protein.

  d.  an esophageal secretion.

  e.  successive waves of involuntary muscular contractions passing along the wall of the GI tract.


REFERENCES:   2.1 Anatomy of the Digestive Tract

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:   NHHE.DEBR.17.2.1 – Describe the path that food takes during digestion and the muscular actions of digestion.

KEYWORDS:   Bloom’s: Remember

13. Which two organs secrete digestive juices into the small intestine?

  a.  gallbladder and pancreas

  b.  pancreas and liver

  c.  gallbladder and liver

  d.  duodenum and pancreas

  e.  liver and stomach


REFERENCES:   2.1 Anatomy of the Digestive Tract

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:   NHHE.DEBR.17.2.1 – Describe the path that food takes during digestion and the muscular actions of digestion.

KEYWORDS:   Bloom’s: Remember

14. The movement of chyme from the stomach into the small intestine is regulated by the:

  a.  pancreas.

  b.  lower esophageal sphincter.

  c.  ileocecal valve.

  d.  duodenum.

  e.  pyloric sphincter.


REFERENCES:   2.1 Anatomy of the Digestive Tract

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:   NHHE.DEBR.17.2.1 – Describe the path that food takes during digestion and the muscular actions of digestion.

KEYWORDS:   Bloom’s: Remember

15. Immediately before passing into the large intestine, the food mass must pass though the:

  a.  pyloric sphincter.

  b.  lower esophageal sphincter.

  c.  ileocecal valve.

  d.  bolus.

  e.  colon.


REFERENCES:   2.1 Anatomy of the Digestive Tract

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:   NHHE.DEBR.17.2.1 – Describe the path that food takes during digestion and the muscular actions of digestion.

KEYWORDS:   Bloom’s: Remember

16. Peristalsis is a term that refers to the:

  a.  circulation of blood in the blood vessels.

  b.  absorption of nutrients in the intestines.

  c.  mixing and moving of food through the lymphatic system.

  d.  last phase of digestion.

  e.  action of the involuntary muscles of the digestive tract.


REFERENCES:   2.1 Anatomy of the Digestive Tract

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:   NHHE.DEBR.17.2.1 – Describe the path that food takes during digestion and the muscular actions of digestion.

KEYWORDS:   Bloom’s: Remember


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