The Skilled Helper A Problem Management and Opportunity-Development Approach to Helping 9th Edition Gerard Test Bank
Table of content
1. Introduction to Helping.2. The Helping Relationship: Values in Action.3. Overview of the Helping Model.4. Stage I: The Current Picture: Task 1Partner with Clients to Help Them Tell Their Stories.5. The Communication Skills of Therapeutic Dialogue: The Skills of Tuning in & Actively Listening to Clients.6. Empathic Responding: Working at Mutual Understanding.7. The Art of Probing and Summarizing.8. Stage I: Task 2Facilitate Client Self-Challenge: From New Perspectives to New Behavior.9. Stage I: Task 3Partner with Clients in Their Search for Value.10. Introduction to Stages II and III: Decisions, Goals, Outcomes, and Impact.11. Stage II: The Preferred PictureHelp Clients Design a Better Future and Commit Themselves to It.12. Stage III: The Way ForwardHelp Clients Develop Plans to Accomplish Goals.13. The Action Arrow: Making It All Happen.
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