Testbank For Alcohol Other Drugs And Behavior 2nd Edition By Jung

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Testbank For Alcohol Other Drugs And Behavior 2nd Edition By Jung

 Chapter 2

  1. Children’s first exposure to alcohol and drugs is primarily through _______________. 
          1. parents
          2. television
          3. relatives
          4. all of the above
  1. Adolescence may view drug use as: 

a. sophisticated

b. a rite of passage

c. attractive

d. all of the above

  1. For some adolescents, their first experience with alcohol and drugs may be: 

a.  Satisfying

b.  Unsatisfying

c.  both a & b

d.  a only

  1. Because licit drugs are commonly used at social gatherings such as parties and celebrations, it is important that researchers:  
          1. Focus on only researching the benefits of licit drug use
          2. Focus on only researching the harmful effects of licit drug use
          3. Study both the benefits and harmful effects associated with licit drug use
          4. Focus only researching illicit drug use
  1. Theories that focus on the role of pharmacological properties of drugs tend to _________ the role of ______________ variables. 
                1. Include, physiological

b.   Include, psychological

    1. Ignore, physiological
    2. Ignore, psychological
  1. The importance of examining psychological theories of drug use is that it allows us to see 
          1. What causes initial drug use
          2. What leads to initial drug use
          3. What results from initial drug use
          4. What explains initial drug use
  1. Social learning theory emphasizes expectancies about: 
          1. Effects of alcohol and other drugs formed by observation
          2. Effects of alcohol and other drugs formed through experience
          3. Effects of alcohol and other drugs acquired from stereotypes 
          4. Effects of alcohol and other drugs predicted from theory 

8. Social learning theory recognizes which of the following: 

                1. That we form beliefs about self efficacy in using drugs
                2. Interactions between cognitive and affective states
                3. The relationship of coping skills to drug use 
                4. All of the above
  1. How does classical conditioning play a role in the processes underlying expectancy effects? 
    1. We form associations between drug use and certain effects
    2. We expect to feel a certain way through varying dose levels of drugs
    3. We form disassociations between drug use and certain effects 
    4. Classical conditioning does not play a role in the processes underlying expectancy effects
  1. One limitation of the AEQ is that it examines only _____________ expectancies
    1. Direct
    2. Indirect
    3. Positive
    4. Negative
  1. Negative expectations are said to possibly have ____________ effects compared to positive expectations because they involve _______________ consequences. 
    1. Stronger, delayed
    2. Weaker, delayed
    3. Stronger, immediate
    4. Weaker immediate
  1. Which of the following is true about light vs. heavy drinkers: 
    1. Light drinkers typically drink when they’re in a positive mood
    2. Heavy drinkers typically drink when they’re in a positive mood
    3. Heavy drinkers typically drink when they’re in a negative mood
    4. a & c
  1. Lab testing of implicit cognition using semantic priming have shown that: 
    1. More drinking will occur for heavy drinkers but not light drinkers when presented with alcohol cues
    2. Less drinking will occur for heavy drinkers but not light drinkers when presented with alcohol cues
    3. More drinking will occur for light drinkers but not heavy drinkers when presented with alcohol cues
    4. More drinking will occur for both heavy drinkers but not light drinkers when presented with alcohol cues
  1. In one study (Windle & Scheidt, 2004) with a large ethnically diverse sample of  male and female alcoholic in-patients, which subtype had more serious alcoholism: 
    1. antisocial personality
    2. negative affect
    3. mild course
    4. polydrug
  1. Which of the following is true about peer selection: 
    1. Adolescence who already use drugs seek out the company of those who are not involved in drugs
    2. Adolescence who already use drugs seek out the company of those who are involved in drugs 
    3. Adolescence who disdain drug use seek out the company of those who also disdain drug use
    4. b & c
  1. Compared to minimal exposure to nonalcohol-related words, viewing alcohol-related led to all but which of the following (Friedman et al, 2007)?
    1. High expectancy for alcohol tension reduction led to more cooperation with a stranger
    2. High expectancy for alcohol tension reduction led to more willingness to be evaluated by an opposite sex stranger
    3. High expectancy that alcohol releases aggression led to hostility toward someone who provoked them
    4. Low expectancy that alcohol reduced tension led to less willingness to be evaluated by an opposite sex stranger
  1. According to the social development model, which of the following was a better predictor of alcohol problems: 
    1. Perceived harmfulness of alcohol use
    2. Peer alcohol initiation
    3. Ethnicity
    4. Social development as early initiation
  1. _____________ and _____________ may be the primary motive for drug use rather than tension reduction. 
    1. relaxation, control
    2. power, relaxation
    3. power, control
    4. relaxation, excitation
  1. Which of the following theories propose that inborn temperament or acquired personality traits influences alcohol and drug use? 
    1. Cognitive theories
    2. Personality/temperament theories
    3. Social learning theories
    4. Psychodynamic theories


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