Test Bank For Research Methods Process Inquiry 8th By Edition Graziano Raulin

Digital item No Waiting Time Instant DownloadISBN:0205907695 ISBN-13:9780205907694Authors: Anthony M Graziano, Michael L RaulinPublisher ‏ : ‎ Pearson; 8th edition

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Original price was: $55.00.Current price is: $25.00.


Test Bank For Research Methods Process Inquiry 8th By Edition Graziano Raulin

Graziano and Raulin Research Methods Test Bank

Chapter 1 Curiosity, Creativity, and Commitment

1.1 Opening Note to Students on Active Learning

1) For most college students, reading

A) is extremely difficult.

B) has become overlearned.

C) has been replaced by video games.

D) automatically produces understanding.

Answer: B

Type: MC

Page Ref: 3

Skill: Interpretive

2) After reading a section in a textbook, students

A) typically understand everything in the section.

B) will know it by heart.

C) often cannot remember the material.

D) usually recall every idea in it.

Answer: C

Type: MC

Page Ref: 3

Skill: Interpretive

3) When studying a textbook,

A) it is a good idea to ignore chapter outlines.

B) you should read the chapter only once.

C) try not to think about the material as you read it.

D) you should pay attention to the outlines, summaries, and footnotes.

Answer: D

Type: MC

Page Ref: 3

Skill: Interpretive

1.2 Science

1) Scientific thinking can be conducted

A) while fishing.

B) in a laboratory setting.

C) with the aid of computers, statistics, and other equipment.

D) All of the above

Answer: D

Type: MC

Page Ref: 4 (PQ)

Skill: Interpretive

2) ________ is a process of formulating specific questions and then finding answers in order to better understand nature.

A) Scientific research

B) Psychoanalysis

C) Romaticism

D) History

Answer: A

Type: MC

Page Ref: 4

Skill: Factual

3) According to your text, what is the “essence” of science?

A) the facts

B) its way of thinking

C) the hardware

D) its theories

Answer: B

Type: MC

Page Ref: 4 (PQ, SG)

Skill: Factual

4) The essence of science is

A) a logical way of acting.

B) a logical way of thinking.

C) laboratory equipment, statistical procedures, and computers.

D) the applied products of science.

Answer: B

Type: MC

Page Ref: 4

Skill: Interpretive

5) Who systematically posed questions to citizens of his era to reveal their ignorance and make them


A) Socrates

B) Thales

C) Galileo

D) Hippocrates

Answer: A

Type: MC

Page Ref: 5

Skill: Interpretive

6) The Scopes monkey trial

A) took place in Africa.

B) featured the great debate between Dr. Darwin and Mr. Scopes.

C) pitted scientific evolutionary theory against Leviticus.

D) debated the teaching of concepts of evolution in high school classes.

Answer: D

Type: MC

Page Ref: 5

Skill: Factual

7) Our modern equivalent of the Scopes trial is

A) the use of genetics in medical diagnoses.

B) seen in almost every domestic dispute brought to the courts.

C) today’s attempts to get the “intelligent design” concept into school science classes.

D) the academic debates over heredity versus environment.

Answer: C

Type: MC

Page Ref: 5

Skill: Interpretive

8) The ancient Greek philosopher executed as a subversive was

A) Socrates.

B) Herodotus.

C) Aristotle. 

D) Plato.

Answer: A

Type: MC

Page Ref: 5

Skill: Factual

9) Scientists are pervasive ________; that is, they constantly challenge accepted wisdom in their search for more.

complete answers.

A) optimists

B) skeptics

C) pessimists

D) laureates

Answer: B

Type: MC

Page Ref: 5

Skill: Interpretive

10) A good scientist must

A) be unwilling to tolerate uncertainty.

B) deny anything that is uncertain.

C) focus only on what is certain about the world around us.

D) be willing to tolerate uncertainty.

Answer: D

Type: MC

Page Ref: 5 (PQ)

Skill: Interpretive


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