Test Bank for Nutrition Through the Life Cycle 4th Edition By by Judith E. Brown

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Test Bank for Nutrition Through the Life Cycle 4th Edition By by Judith E. Brown

Test Bank for Chapter 3 – Preconception Nutrition:Conditions and Interventions

Key to question types: F = fact-based; A = application; L, M, H = low, medium, high difficulty

Multiple Choice

Answer Page #

c, F, L 71 1. The definition of the periconceptual period is _____.

a. the developing organism from 8 weeks to the moment of birth

b. the month before conception

c. the month before and the month after conception

d. the month after conception

e. none of the above

e, F, M 71 2. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) is characterized by: 

a. mood swings.

b. irritability.

c. depression. 

d. physical symptoms. 

e. all of the above

a, F 71 3. Which of the following would NOT be used to treat PMS symptoms?

a. Increasing intake of caffeine 

b. Reducing stress 

c. Taking supplements like magnesium and calcium 

d. Increasing activity levels 

e. Taking an antidepressant

a, F 71 4. Which of the following would NOT be considered a sign or symptom of premenstrual syndrome?

a. Swollen glands under the jaw

b. Fatigue

c. Craving salty or sweet food

d. Mood swings

e. Anxiety

d, F 71 5. Symptoms of PMS occur in about _____ of women of childbearing age.

a. 12%

b. 27%

c. 34%

d. 40%

e. 55%

d, A, H 79-80 6. Untreated phenylketonuria in pregnant women can lead to:

a. malformations in infants.

b. infants with microcephaly.

c. severe mental retardation in children.

d. all of the above

e. a and b only

c, F, L 72 7. A nutrient that would effectively treat swelling and breast tenderness in a woman with PMS is _____.

a. vitamin B6

b. calcium

c. magnesium

d. vitamin E

b, A 73 8. _____ is the first therapeutic option for infertility in obese people.

a. Medication

b. Weight reduction

c. Hormone therapy

d. In-vitro fertilization

e. Surgery

a, F, L 73 9. Central body obesity is best defined as _____.

a. a waist circumference > 35 inches in women

b. a waist circumference > 40 inches in women

c. a BMI measurement of weight (lb)/height2 (in)

d. a waist-to-height ratio measurement 

e, A, M 75 10. An eating disorder that affects fertility is _____.

a. hypothalamic amenorrhea

b. anorexia nervosa 

c. bulimia nervosa

d. celiac disease

e. b and c


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