Test Bank For Nutrition Now 7th Edition by Judith E. Brown

Test Bank for Nutrition Now, 7th Edition by Judith E. Brown provides students with a solid foundation in nutrition, teaching them the basic concepts they need to know to make informed decisions about their diet and health. The Test Bank includes all of the chapter tests as well as a final exam, so students can gauge their understanding of the material and identify any areas where they need further study.In addition, the Test Bank provides answer keys for all of the questions, so students can check their work and ensure that they are on the right track. With its comprehensive coverage and helpful resources, the Test Bank is an essential tool for any student who wants to excel in nutrition.Digital item No Waiting Time Instant DownloadISBN-10 ‏ :1133936539ISBN-13 :978-1133936534

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Original price was: $115.00.Current price is: $50.00.


Test Bank For Nutrition Now 7th Edition by Judith E. Brown

Test Bank for Unit 3 – Ways of Knowing about Nutrition


1. _____ The hypothesis is a statement that will be tested by research.

2. _____ Epidemiological studies prove cause and effect relationships.

3. _____ In a double-blind procedure, the researchers know who is receiving the placebo, but the subjects do not know.

4. _____ An accurate method for collecting data must be used or the results of the study will be invalid.

5. _____ Human subjects do not have to provide their consent before researchers can include them in a study.

6. _____ The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has authority to remove television reports and Internet articles making false claims.

7. _____ Registered/licensed dieticians and certified/licensed nutritionists are reliable sources of nutrition information.

8. _____ Nutrition research is only conducted by people or companies that do not have a stake in the results.

9. _____ Subjects in a study who receive the treatment being tested are in the control group.

10. _____ Discussing misleading or fraudulent opinions about nutrition with others is protected by the freedom of speech provisions in the United States constitution.

11. ______ The most reliable nutrition experts are those who have specific education and certifications establishing their mastery of knowledge about the science and practice of nutrition.


1. _____ cause-and-effect relationship

2. _____ clinical trial

3. _____ control group

4. _____ double-blind procedure

5. _____ epidemiological study

6. _____ experimental group

7. _____ hypothesis

8. _____ meta-analysis

9. _____ placebo

10. _____ placebo effect

11. _____ statistically significant

a. research that seeks to identify conditions related to particular events within a population

b. subjects in a study who do not receive the active treatment

c. a statement made prior to initiating a study of the relationship sought to be proved

d. changes in health or perceived health that result from expectations that a “treatment” will produce an effect

e. subjects in a study who receive the treatment

f. a study designed to test the effects of a treatment or intervention on a specific biological event

g. a finding that demonstrates that a condition causes a particular event

h. an analysis of data from multiple studies

i. an inactive treatment or “sugar pill”

j. research findings that likely represent a true or actual result and not one due to chance

k. a study in which neither the subjects nor the researchers know which subjects are receiving the active treatment and which are receiving an inactive one


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Test Bank For Nutrition Now 7th Edition by Judith E. Brown

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Test Bank for Nutrition Now, 7th Edition by Judith E. Brown provides students with a solid foundation in nutrition, teaching them the basic concepts they need to know to make informed decisions about their diet and health. The Test Bank includes all of the chapter tests as well as a final exam, so students can gauge their understanding of the material and identify any areas where they need further study.In addition, the Test Bank provides answer keys for all of the questions, so students can check their work and ensure that they are on the right track. With its comprehensive coverage and helpful resources, the Test Bank is an essential tool for any student who wants to excel in nutrition.Digital item No Waiting Time Instant DownloadISBN-10 ‏ :1133936539ISBN-13 :978-1133936534



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