Test Bank For Information Systems 5th Edition By Baltzan

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ISBN10: 1259924912, ISBN13: 9781259924910

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Test Bank For Information Systems 5th Edition By Baltzan

M: Information Systems, 5e (Baltzan)

Appendix B

1) File Transfer Protocol (FTP) allows files containing text, programs, graphics, numerical data, and so on to be downloaded off or uploaded onto a network.

Answer:  TRUE

Explanation:  File Transfer Protocol (FTP) allows files containing text, programs, graphics, numerical data, and so on to be downloaded off or uploaded onto a network.

Difficulty: 1 Easy

Topic:  Compare LAN, WAN, MAN

Bloom’s:  Remember

Accessibility:  B-1 Compare LANs, WANs, and MANs.

Gradable:  automatic

Learning Outcome:  Keyboard Navigation

2) Telecommunication systems enable the transmission of data over public or private networks.

Answer:  TRUE

Explanation:  Telecommunication systems enable the transmission of data over public or private networks.

Difficulty: 1 Easy

Topic:  Compare LAN, WAN, MAN

Bloom’s:  Remember

Accessibility:  B-1 Compare LANs, WANs, and MANs.

Gradable:  automatic

Learning Outcome:  Keyboard Navigation

3) A network is a communications system created by linking two or more devices and establishing a standard methodology by which they can communicate.

Answer:  TRUE

Explanation:  A network is a communications system created by linking two or more devices and establishing a standard methodology by which they can communicate.

Difficulty: 1 Easy

Topic:  Compare LAN, WAN, MAN

Bloom’s:  Remember

Accessibility:  B-1 Compare LANs, WANs, and MANs.

Gradable:  automatic

Learning Outcome:  Keyboard Navigation

4) A wide area network (WAN) spans a large geographic area, such as a state, province, or country. WANs often connect multiple smaller networks, such as local area networks or metropolitan area networks. The world’s most popular WAN is the Internet. A metropolitan area network (MAN) is a large computer network usually spanning a city.

Answer:  TRUE

Explanation:  A wide area network (WAN) spans a large geographic area, such as a state, province, or country. WANs often connect multiple smaller networks, such as local area networks or metropolitan area networks. The world’s most popular WAN is the Internet. A metropolitan area network (MAN) is a large computer network usually spanning a city.

Difficulty: 1 Easy

Topic:  Compare LAN, WAN, MAN

Bloom’s:  Remember

Accessibility:  B-1 Compare LANs, WANs, and MANs.

Gradable:  automatic

Learning Outcome:  Keyboard Navigation

5) A MAN is a set of communication rules to make sure that everyone speaks the same language.

Answer:  FALSE

Explanation:  A protocol is a set of communication rules to make sure that everyone speaks the same language.

Difficulty: 1 Easy

Topic:  Compare LAN, WAN, MAN

Bloom’s:  Remember

Accessibility:  B-1 Compare LANs, WANs, and MANs.

Gradable:  automatic

Learning Outcome:  Keyboard Navigation

6) A WAN is a card that plugs into the back (or side) of your computers and lets them send and receive messages from other computers.

Answer:  FALSE

Explanation:  A network interface card (NIC) is a card that plugs into the back (or side) of your computers and lets them send and receive messages from other computers.

Difficulty: 1 Easy

Topic:  Compare LAN, WAN, MAN

Bloom’s:  Remember

Accessibility:  B-1 Compare LANs, WANs, and MANs.

Gradable:  automatic

Learning Outcome:  Keyboard Navigation

7) Cable is the medium to connect all of the computers.

Answer:  TRUE

Explanation:  Cable is the medium to connect all of the computers.

Difficulty: 1 Easy

Topic:  Compare LAN, WAN, MAN

Bloom’s:  Remember

Accessibility:  B-1 Compare LANs, WANs, and MANs.

Gradable:  automatic

Learning Outcome:  Keyboard Navigation

8) A hub (switch or router) is the hardware to perform traffic control.

Answer:  TRUE

Explanation:  A hub (switch or router) is the hardware to perform traffic control.

Difficulty: 1 Easy

Topic:  Compare LAN, WAN, MAN

Bloom’s:  Remember

Accessibility:  B-1 Compare LANs, WANs, and MANs.

Gradable:  automatic

Learning Outcome:  Keyboard Navigation

9) Topology includes peer-to-peer networks and client/server networks.

Answer:  FALSE

Explanation:  Architecture includes peer-to-peer networks and client/server networks.

Difficulty: 1 Easy

Topic:  Compare LAN, WAN, MAN

Bloom’s:  Remember

Accessibility:  B-1 Compare LANs, WANs, and MANs.

Gradable:  automatic

Learning Outcome:  Keyboard Navigation

10) Protocols includes bus, star, ring, hybrid, and wireless.

Answer:  FALSE

Explanation:  Topology includes bus, star, ring, hybrid, wireless.

Difficulty: 1 Easy

Topic:  Compare LAN, WAN, MAN

Bloom’s:  Remember

Accessibility:  B-1 Compare LANs, WANs, and MANs.

Gradable:  automatic

Learning Outcome:  Keyboard Navigation


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