Test Bank For Addiction Treatment 4th Edition by Katherine

Digital item No Waiting Time Instant DownloadISBN-13: 978-1305943308 ISBN-10: 1305943309

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Test Bank For Addiction Treatment 4th Edition by Katherine

1. How have various societies at various times tried to control the use of alcoholic beverages?  What are the control policies today? 

2. Describe the role that wine played in the lives of ancient Greeks, Romans, and Hebrews. 

3. Describe the connection between xenophobia and Prohibition.  How did the Mafia enter the picture?  Recount the reasons for the repeal of Prohibition. 

4. Discuss three major themes that emerge in a study of the history of substance use by the American population and others. 

5. Compare and contrast Prohibition and the war on drugs in today’s world. 

6. According to the book, all of the following are themes in the history of substance abuse and addiction:​ 

a. ​cultural traditions breed different reactions to the same drug 

b. ​America has had a love/hate relationship with alcohol 

*c. ​Russia has done much to advance the course of addiction treatment 

d. ​increased drug potency tends to be associated with prohibition 

7. This cultural/historical group encouraged complete abstinence from alcohol consumption:​ 

a. ​Greeks 

*b. ​followers of Islam 

c. ​Romans 

d. ​Hebrews 

8. Which national or indigenous population introduced marijuana into the “New​ World”? 

*a. ​the Spaniards 

b. ​the Caribbean Indians 

c. ​the Mayans 

d. ​Indians 

9. Cocaine use as coca leaf chewing originated with:​ 

a. ​Ancient Greeks 

*b. ​South American indigenous peoples 

c. ​Ancient Romans 

d. ​Judaism 

10. The following is a legacy from the Puritans according to the text:​ 

a. ​religiosity by the state 

*b. ​punitiveness 

c. ​total abstinence 

d. ​emphasis placed on leisure 

11. Early American colonists used alcohol for all except which of the following?​ 

a. ​protection against disease 

b. ​as a solvent 

c. ​as an antiseptic 

*d. ​as a deodorant 

12. Technological advances often exceed a people’s ability to handle it. What was the turning​ point for alcohol? 

a. ​wineries 

b. ​the cotton gin 

*c. ​distillation 

d. ​electricity 

13. In Colonial times the tavern was criticized because of which factor with which it was associated:​ 

*a. ​male drunkenness 

b. ​gambling by kids 

c. ​being the headquarters of the suffrage movement 

d. ​slave rebellion 

14. In Colonial America strong drink was thought to:​ 

a. ​cause rickets 

b. ​induce pain 

c. ​cause seizures 

*d. ​protect against disease 

15. The behavior most clearly associated with the temperance movement was:​ 

a. ​the enslavement of people 

b. ​vegetarianism 

*c. ​moderation of drinking 

d. ​total abstinence from all alcoholic beverages 


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