Test Bank For A History Of Psychology Ideas and Context 4th Edition by King

Digital item No Waiting Time Instant DownloadISBN-13: 978-0205677702 ISBN-10: 0205677703

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Test Bank For A History Of Psychology Ideas and Context 4th Edition by King

Test BankChapter 1 – Historical Studies: Some Issues 64 Chapter 2 – Philosophical Issues 66 Chapter 3 – Ancient Psychological Thought 71 Chapter 4 – The Roman Period and the Middle Ages 77 Chapter 5 – The Renaissance 81 Chapter 6 – Empiricism, Associationism, and Utilitarianism 85 Chapter 7- Rationalism 90 Chapter 8 – Mechanization and Quantification 94 Chapter 9 – Naturalism and Humanitarian Reform 99 Chapter 10 – Psychophysicsand the Formal Founding of Psychology 105 Chapter 11 – Developments after the Founding 111 Chapter 12 – Functionalism 114 Chapter 13 – Behaviorism 120 Chapter 14 – Other Behavioral Psychologies 125 Chapter 15 – Gestalt Psychology 130 Chapter 16 – Psychoanalysis 135 Chapter 17 – Humanistic Psychologies 141 Epilogue – Late-Twentieth-Century Developments 146

Welcome to History and Systems of Psychology! I hope you find the course to be enjoyable and stimulating! The course focuses on the history of the discipline of psychology from its early roots in ancient times to its contemporary developments. It is a unique approach to history, and I hope that you develop an appreciation for the history you encounter in this course.GoalsThe course is intended to:1) put the finishing touches on students’ undergraduate education in psychology with an integrated and historical perspective of the field,2) present philosophical issues in psychology and other sciences,3) promote an awareness of the ways that historical developments outside of psychology shape the discipline,4) discuss the roots, the theories, and the relevance of several of the major trends in modern psychology including functionalism, structuralism, behaviorism, Gestalt psychology, psychoanalysis, humanistic psychology, and cognitive psychology,5) examine the ways in which world views (religious, political, moral, and psychological) shape views of humans and psychology,6) explore the evolution of ideas within philosophy and psychology,7) stimulate interest in ideas and develop an appreciation for the process of taking ideas seriously, and
Instructor’s Manual
A History of Psychology: Ideas and Context, Fourth Edition
8) promote critical thinking and dialectic. Students are encouraged to think, discuss, and write freely and critically about philosophical dilemmas, historical trends, and the history of changes in the way humans view themselves.In addition to these established goals of the course, you may wish to establish goals of your own. You may wish to learn more about a particular individual in the history of psychology. (e.g., Mary Whiton Calkins, B. F. Skinner, Baruch Spinoza, or Socrates) or about a system of thought (e.g., Rationalism, Gestalt psychology, Psychoanalysis, or Humanistic Psychology).EvaluationYour grade will be based on a total of 700 possible points. Four factors play a role in the grade you earn for the course: examinations, papers, editorials, and class participation.ExaminationsThere are four major examinations; three are scheduled throughout the semester, and the final examination is scheduled for finals week. Examinations will be a combination of multiple choice and essay questions. Each examination is worth 100 points, and the final examination is worth 200 points.Attendance is critical to performance. Exams will be over material from the book and from class discussions. There will be topics discussed in class that are not in the textbook, and there will be topics in the text that will not be discussed in class. You are responsible for both sources of ideas.Make-up examinations must be approved by the instructor in advance according to University policy.PapersStudents will turn in two brief papers (3 to 5 pages in length) in which they critically develop a creative, critical, position on a designated issue. Each paper is expected to make an original contribution or an original synthesis of current views beyond repeating class material. Papers are worth 50 points each, and guidelines for the papers will be found in a handout distributed in class.EditorialsStudents will write two editorials on class topics (see Viney & Woody, 2003). Each editorial is worth 25 points, and both editorials must be completed by April 25. Editorials provide opportunities for you to reply to class materials. An editorial may be critical or appreciative and may deal with ideas from the lecture, the text, or the readings. This is your chance to reply to what I say in class or what is written in any of the other class material. I hope that it will feel safe to write an editorial in which you freely state your ideas and opinions. I will always put written feedback on your editorials. If you give your written permission on the editorial, it may be read to the class. You must specify in writing if you want your editorial to be shared and if you want your name to be revealed.Viney, W., & Woody, W. D. (2003). Editorials and newsletters as teaching tools. Psychology Teacher Network, 13, 9-11.
ParticipationA total of 50 points are available through participation in class. Participation enhances the
Summary of EvaluationThree exams worth 100 points each A final exam worth 200 pointsTwo papers worth 50 points each Two editorials worth 25 points each ParticipationTotalGrades will be assigned as follows:Conclusion
300 points possible 200100 points possible50 points possible50 points possible700 points
Instructor’s Manual
quality of the classroom experience for everyone. class sessions will earn 50 points for participation.
Attending and actively participating in all
90-100% 80-89% 70-79% 60-69% below 60%
ABCD failing
We are here to stimulate learning, thought, and interest (both yours and mine) in the history of psychology. This unique history is a history of ideas involving more comprehension and less memorization than many other classes in psychology. I hope you enjoy the material, and I also hope you look forward to coming to an open and relaxed environment where you can think critically and discuss freely.


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