Primary Care Medicine Office Evaluation and Management of the Adult Patient 7th Ed. Test Bank

  • Digital item No Waiting Time Instant Download
  • ISBN-13: 978-1451151497
  • ISBN-10: 1451151497
  • Publisher: ‎ LWW
  • Authors: Dr. Allan H. Goroll, Dr. Albert G. Mulley Jr.

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Primary Care Medicine Office Evaluation and Management of the Adult Patient 7th Ed. Test Bank

Table of Contacts

Chapter 1: The Domain of Primary Care
Chapter 2: Selection and Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests
Chapter 3: Health Maintenance and the Role of Screening
Chapter 4: Estimating and Communicating Risk and Prognosis
Chapter 5: Choosing Among Treatment Options
Chapter 6: Immunization
Chapter 7: Screening for HIV Infection
Chapter 8: Evaluation of Chronic Fatigue
Chapter 9: Evaluation of Weight Loss
Chapter 10: Evaluation of Overweight and Obesity
Chapter 11: Evaluation of Fever
Chapter 12: Evaluation of Lymphadenopathy
Chapter 13: Approach to the Patient with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection
Chapter 14: Screening for Hypertension
Chapter 15: Screening for Hyperlipidemia and Associated Coronary Heart Disease Risk Factors
Chapter 16: Infective Endocarditis Prophylaxis
Chapter 17: Prevention of Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease
Chapter 18: Primary Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease
Chapter 19: Evaluation of Hypertension
Chapter 20: Evaluation of Chest Pain
Chapter 21: Evaluation of the Asymptomatic Systolic Murmur
Chapter 22: Evaluation of Leg Edema
Chapter 23: Evaluation of Arterial Insufficiency of the Lower Extremities
Chapter 24: Evaluation of Syncope
Chapter 25: Evaluation of Palpitations
Chapter 26: Management of Hypertension
Chapter 27: Approach to the Patient with a Lipid Disorder
Chapter 28: Outpatient Management of Atrial Fibrillation
Chapter 29: Management of Ventricular Irritability in the Ambulatory Setting
Chapter 30: Management of Chronic Stable Angina
Chapter 31: Secondary Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease
Chapter 32: Approach to the Patient with Chronic Congestive Heart Failure
Chapter 33: Management of Valvular Heart Disease
Chapter 34: Management of Peripheral Arterial Disease
Chapter 35: Management of Peripheral Venous Disease
Chapter 36: Noninvasive Studies for Detection of Coronary Disease
Chapter 37: Screening for Lung Cancer
Chapter 38: Tuberculosis Screening and Prophylaxis
Chapter 39: Evaluation and Prevention of Occupational and Environmental Lung Disease
Chapter 40: Evaluation of Chronic Dyspnea
Chapter 41: Evaluation of Subacute and Chronic Cough
Chapter 42: Evaluation of Hemoptysis
Chapter 43: Evaluation of Pleural Effusions
Chapter 44: Evaluation of the Solitary Pulmonary Nodule
Chapter 45: Evaluation of Clubbing
Chapter 46: Approach to the Patient with Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Chapter 47: Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Chapter 48: Management of Asthma
Chapter 49: Approach to the Patient with Tuberculosis
Chapter 50: Management of the Common Cold
Chapter 51: Management of Sarcoidosis
Chapter 52: Approach to the Patient with Acute Bronchitis or Pneumonia in the Ambulatory Setting
Chapter 53: Approach to the Patient with Lung Cancer
Chapter 54: Smoking Cessation
Chapter 55: Screening and Case Finding for Gastrointestinal Cancers
Chapter 56: Screening for Colorectal Cancer
Chapter 57: Prevention of Viral Hepatitis
Chapter 58: Evaluation of Abdominal Pain
Chapter 59: Evaluation of Nausea and Vomiting
Chapter 60: Evaluation of Dysphagia and Suspected Esophageal Chest Pain
Chapter 61: Approach to the Patient with Heartburn and Reflux (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease)
Chapter 62: Evaluation of Jaundice
Chapter 63: Evaluation of Gastrointestinal Bleeding
Chapter 64: Evaluation and Management of Diarrhea
Chapter 65: Approach to the Patient with Constipation
Chapter 66: Approach to the Patient with Anorectal Complaints
Chapter 67: Approach to the Patient with an External Hernia
Chapter 68: Management of Peptic Ulcer Disease
Chapter 69: Management of Asymptomatic and Symptomatic Gallstones
Chapter 70: Management of Hepatitis
Chapter 71: Management of Cirrhosis and Chronic Liver Failure
Chapter 72: Management of Pancreatitis
Chapter 73: Management of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Chapter 74: Approach to the Patient with Functional Gastrointestinal Disease
Chapter 75: Management of Diverticular Disease
Chapter 76: Management of Gastrointestinal Cancers
Chapter 77: Screening for Anemia
Chapter 78: Screening for Sickle Cell Disease and Sickle Cell Trait
Chapter 79: Evaluation of Anemia
Chapter 80: Evaluation of Erythrocytosis (Polycythemia)
Chapter 81: Evaluation of Bleeding Problems and Abnormal Bleeding Studies
Chapter 82: Management of Common Anemias
Chapter 83: Outpatient Oral Anticoagulant Therapy
Chapter 84: Approach to the Patient with Lymphoma
Chapter 85: Approach to the Patient with Cancer of Unknown Origin
Chapter 86: Approach to Staging and Monitoring
Chapter 87: Comprehensive Care of the Cancer Patient
Chapter 88: Principles of Cancer Drug Therapy
Chapter 89: Principles of Radiation Therapy
Chapter 90: Assessment and Relief of Chronic Cancer Pain and Palliative Care
Chapter 91: Managing the Gastrointestinal Complications of Cancer and Cancer Treatment
Chapter 92: Complications of Cancer: Oncologic Emergencies and Paraneoplastic Syndromes
Chapter 93: Screening for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Chapter 94: Screening for Thyroid Cancer
Chapter 95: Evaluation of Thyroid Nodules
Chapter 96: Approach to the Patient with Hypercalcemia
Chapter 97: Evaluation of Hypoglycemia
Chapter 98: Evaluation of Hirsutism
Chapter 99: Evaluation of Gynecomastia
Chapter 100: Evaluation of Galactorrhea and Hyperprolactinemia
Chapter 101: Evaluation of Suspected Diabetes Insipidus
Chapter 102: Approach to the Patient with Diabetes Mellitus
Chapter 103: Approach to the Patient with Hyperthyroidism
Chapter 104: Approach to the Patient with Hypothyroidism
Chapter 105: Glucocorticoid Therapy
Chapter 106: Screening for Breast Cancer
Chapter 107: Screening for Cervical Cancer
Chapter 108: Screening for Ovarian Cancer
Chapter 109: Screening for Endometrial Cancer
Chapter 110: Screening for and Prevention of Intimate Partner Violence
Chapter 111: Approach to the Woman with Abnormal Vaginal Bleeding
Chapter 112: Evaluation of Secondary Amenorrhea
Chapter 113: Evaluation of Breast Masses and Nipple Discharges
Chapter 114: Evaluation of Vulvar Pruritus
Chapter 115: Medical Evaluation of Female Sexual Dysfunction
Chapter 116: Approach to the Patient with Menstrual or Pelvic Pain
Chapter 117: Approach to the Patient with a Vaginal Discharge
Chapter 118: Approach to the Menopausal Woman
Chapter 119: Approach to Fertility Control
Chapter 120: Approach to the Infertile Couple
Chapter 121: Approach to the Woman with an Unplanned Pregnancy
Chapter 122: Management of Breast Cancer


Chapter 123: Management of the Woman with Genital Tract Cancer
Chapter 124: Screening for Syphilis
Chapter 125: Screening for Chlamydial Infection
Chapter 126: Screening for Prostate Cancer
Chapter 127: Screening for Asymptomatic Bacteriuria and Urinary Tract Infection
Chapter 128: Screening for Cancers of the Lower Urinary Tract
Chapter 129: Evaluation of the Patient with Hematuria
Chapter 130: Evaluation of the Patient with Proteinuria
Chapter 131: Evaluation of Scrotal Pain, Masses, and Swelling
Chapter 132: Medical Evaluation and Management of Erectile Dysfunction
Chapter 133: Approach to Dysuria and Urinary Tract Infections in Women
Chapter 134: Approach to Urinary Incontinence
Chapter 135: Approach to the Patient with Nephrolithiasis
Chapter 136: Approach to the Male Patient with Urethritis
Chapter 137: Approach to the Patient with Gonorrhea
Chapter 138: Approach to Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

Chapter 139: Management of Acute and Chronic Prostatitis

Chapter 140: Management of Urinary Tract Infection in Men
Chapter 141: Management of Syphilis and Other Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Chapter 142: Management of the Patient with Chronic Kidney Disease
Chapter 143: Management of Genitourinary Cancers in Men
Chapter 144: Screening for Osteoporosis in Postmenopausal Women
Chapter 145: Evaluation of Acute Monoarticular Arthritis
Chapter 146: Evaluation of Polyarticular Complaints
Chapter 147: Approach to the Patient with Back Pain
Chapter 148: Evaluation of Neck Pain
Chapter 149: Approach to the Patient with Muscle Cramps
Chapter 150: Approach to the Patient with Shoulder Pain
Chapter 151: Evaluation of Hip Pain
Chapter 152: Evaluation of Knee Pain
Chapter 153: Approach to Minor Orthopedic Problems of the Elbow, Wrist, and Hand
Chapter 154: Approach to Common Problems of the Foot and Ankle
Chapter 155: Approach to the Patient with Asymptomatic Hyperuricemia
Chapter 156: Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Chapter 157: Management of Osteoarthritis
Chapter 158: Management of Gout
Chapter 159: Approach to the Patient with Fibromyalgia
Chapter 160: Approach to the Patient with Lyme Disease
Chapter 161: Approach to the Patient with Polymyalgia Rheumatica or Giant Cell (Temporal) Arteritis
Chapter 162: Management of Paget Disease
Chapter 163: Approach to the Patient with Raynaud Phenomenon
Chapter 164: Prevention and Management of Osteoporosis
Chapter 165: Approach to the Patient with Headache
Chapter 166: Evaluation of Dizziness
Chapter 167: Focal Neurologic Complaints: Evaluation of Nerve Root and Peripheral Nerve Syndromes
Chapter 168: Evaluation of Tremor
Chapter 169: Evaluation of Dementia
Chapter 170: Approach to the Patient with a Seizure
Chapter 171: Management of Transient Ischemic Attack and Asymptomatic Carotid Bruit
Chapter 172: Management of Multiple Sclerosis
Chapter 173: Management of Alzheimer Disease
Chapter 174: Approach to the Patient with Parkinson Disease
Chapter 175: Approach to the Patient with Bell Palsy (Idiopathic Facial Mononeuropathy)
Chapter 176: Management of Tic Douloureux (Trigeminal Neuralgia)
Chapter 177: Screening for Skin Cancers
Chapter 178: Evaluation of Pruritus
Chapter 179: Evaluation of Purpura
Chapter 180: Evaluation of Disturbances in Pigmentation
Chapter 181: Evaluation of Urticaria and Angioedema
Chapter 182: Approach to the Patient with Hair Loss
Chapter 183: Disturbances of Skin Hydration: Dry Skin and Excessive Sweating
Chapter 184: Approach to the Patient with Dermatitis
Chapter 185: Management of Acne
Chapter 186: Management of Rosacea and Other Acneiform Dermatoses
Chapter 187: Management of Psoriasis
Chapter 188: Management of Intertrigo and Intertriginous Dermatoses
Chapter 189: Management of Corns and Calluses
Chapter 190: Approach to Bacterial Skin Infections
Chapter 191: Management of Superficial Fungal Infections
Chapter 192: Management of Cutaneous and Genital Herpes Simplex
Chapter 193: Management of Herpes Zoster
Chapter 194: Management of Warts
Chapter 195: Management of Scabies and Pediculosis
Chapter 196: Management of Skin Trauma: Bites and Burns
Chapter 197: Management of Skin Ulceration
Chapter 198: Screening for Open-Angle Glaucoma
Chapter 199: Evaluation of the Red Eye
Chapter 200: Evaluation of Impaired Vision
Chapter 201: Evaluation of Eye Pain
Chapter 202: Evaluation of Dry Eyes
Chapter 203: Evaluation of Common Visual Disturbances: Flashing Lights, Floaters, and Other Transient Phenomena
Chapter 204: Evaluation of Exophthalmos
Chapter 205: Evaluation of Watery Eyes
Chapter 206: Management of the Patient with Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Chapter 207: Management of Glaucoma
Chapter 208: Management of Cataracts
Chapter 209: Management of Diabetic Retinopathy
Chapter 210: Correction of Vision
Chapter 211: Screening for Oral Cancer
Chapter 212: Evaluation of Hearing Loss
Chapter 213: Approach to Epistaxis
Chapter 214: Evaluation of Acute Orofacial Pain and Swelling
Chapter 215: Evaluation of Smell and Taste Disturbances
Chapter 216: Approach to the Patient with Hoarseness
Chapter 217: Evaluation of Tinnitus
Chapter 218: Approach to the Patient with Otitis
Chapter 219: Approach to the Patient with Sinusitis
Chapter 220: Approach to the Patient with Pharyngitis
Chapter 221: Approach to the Patient with Hiccups
Chapter 222: Approach to the Patient with Chronic Nasal Congestion and Discharge
Chapter 223: Approach to the Patient with Excessive Snoring
Chapter 224: Approach to the Patient with Aphthous Stomatitis
Chapter 225: Evaluation and Management of Temporomandibular Disorders
Chapter 226: Approach to the Patient with Anxiety
Chapter 227: Approach to the Patient with Depression
Chapter 228: Approach to the Patient with an Alcohol Problem
Chapter 229: Approach to the Patient with Sexual Dysfunction
Chapter 230: Approach to Patients with Somatic Symptom Disorders or Health Anxiety
Chapter 231: Approach to Difficult Patient Interactions
Chapter 232: Approach to the Patient with Insomnia
Chapter 233: Management of Obesity
Chapter 234: Approach to Eating Disorders
Chapter 235: Approach to Drug Use Disorders
Chapter 236: Pain Management: Approach to the Patient with Chronic Nonmalignant Pain
Chapter 237: Herbal Supplements Commonly Used as Complementary or Alternative Therapy
Chapter 238: Caring for the Adolescent Patient
Chapter 239: Approach to Frailty in Older Adults


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