Digital item No Waiting Time Instant DownloadBy: Gregory PenceISBN-10: 0078038456ISBN-13: 9780078038457Language: EnglishAuthors: Gregory PencePublisher: McGraw-Hill Education

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Chapter 1 Ethical Reasoning Test Bank1Pence, Medical Ethics 7eCopyright © 2015 McGraw-Hill Education.  All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution withoutthe prior written consent of McGraw-Hill Education.1. Which of the following is a false statement about the ethics of triage in medicine?(A) A physician at a scene calling for medical triage should not treat those who will die anyway.(B) A physician at a scene calling for medical triage should not treat those who will live anyway.(C) The ethics of triage owe their philosophical roots to utilitarianism.(D) The ethics of triage aims to maximize life.(E) Triage ethics owes its philosophical roots to ancient Greek quality-of-life ethics.Answer: E2. There is a breakthrough in cancer research and a new drug seems to cure anyone who takes itfor a year, but it is very rare and expensive, so there is only enough for a few patients. Kantianethical theory would favor allocating this drug according to:(A) Who would contribute most to society.(B) Who would live the longest.(C) Who had the most children dependent on him or her.(D) Who was the sickest.(E) A lottery.Answer: E3. A shipwreck has occurred in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, and there was no time to radiofor help. It is a thousand miles distance to Africa. Rescue may not be coming. A captain has agun in a lifeboat but too many people want to get in and a storm approaches. If the captainfollows utilitarian ethical theory he will choose to include which of the following as those whoget to stay inside (and probably, to live)?(A) Only those already inside the boat with whom he has developed a caring relationship.(B) He would choose by drawing straws (use a lottery).(C) He would choose those who were the strongest (best rowers, most endurance).(D) He would give up his place to an elderly person in the water who was likely to soon drown.(E) He would not make any choice at all.Answer: C4. In describing ethical theories, which of the following is true?(A) The root of “compassion” comes from a Greek phrase meaning “to compare feelings.”(B) The Stoics believed in the greatest good for the greatest number, as the basis for morality.(C) Augustine quipped that life was “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.”(D) Kant believes that autonomy of alcoholic patients is best respected by understanding thatalcoholism is a disease over which they have little free will.(E) Some forms of utilitarianism consider the suffering of animals in calculating the greatestgood for the greatest number.Answer: E5. Which two of these are examples of impartial ethical theories?(A) Feminist ethics and utilitarianism.(B) Kantian ethics and feminist ethics.(C) Virtue theory and feminist ethics.(D) Kantian ethics and utilitarianism.(E) Subjectivism and nihilism.


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