Digital item No Waiting Time Instant DownloadATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR 2019 FORM (A – B – C )ATI AXAMPages: 147format : PDF

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ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR RETAKE 2019_100% Correct | ATI RN COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR RETAKE1. A nurse is caring for a child with sickle cell anemia and is having a vaso-occlusive crisis.Which intervention should the nurse implement first?D) Increase oral fluid2. A nurse is caring for a 1-day-old newborns who has jaundice and isreceiving phototherapy. Which of the following actions should the nursetake?Ensure that the newborn wears a diaper.3. A nurse is preparing a client for a paracentesis. What action should the nurse take?Instruct the client to void prior to the procedure.4. A nurse is providing dietary teaching to a client who has end-stage of kidney diseaseand a potassium level of 6. Which of the following is the best food the nurse to recommend?1. Hard boiled eggs.5. A director of nursing in a rehab facility is planning for measure of quality care provided.Which of the following should the nurse director plan to use after the client isdischarged to gather information about quality of care?a. Outcome audit

6. A nurse is caring for a client who is in active labor and requests pain management. Which of the following actions should the nurse take?

  1. Administerondansetron.
  2. Place the client in a warm shower.
  3. Applyfundalpressureduringcontractions.
  4. Assist the client to a supine position.

7. a nurse in an emergency department is performing triage for multiple clients following a disaster in the community. To which of the following types of injuries should the nurse assign the highest priority?

  1. Below-thekneeamputation
  2. Fracturedtibia
  3. 95% full-thickness body burn
  4. 10cm(4in)lacerationtotheforearm

8. a nurse manager is updating protocols for the use of belt restraints. Which of the following guidelines should the nurse include?

  1. Removetheclient’srestraintevery4hr
  2. Documenttheclient’sconditionevery15min
  3. Attachtherestraintothebed’ssiderails
  4. Request a PRN restrain prescription for clients who are aggressive

9. A nurse is teaching an in-service about nursing leadership. Which of the following information should the nurse include about an effective leader?

  1. Acts as an advocate for the nursing unit.
  2. (Unable to read) for the unit
  3. Prioritiesstaffrequestoverclientneeds.
  4. Providesroutineclientcareanddocumentation.

10. A nurse is reviewing the laboratory findings of a client who has diabetes mellitus and reports that she has been following her (unable to read) care. The nurse should identify which of the following findings indicates a need to revise the client’s plan of care.

  1. Serum sodium 144 mEq/
  2. (Unable to read)
  3. Hba1c 10 %
  4. Randomserumglucose190mg/dl.

11. A nurse in a provider’s office is reviewing the laboratory results of a group of clients. The nurse should identify that which of the following sexually transmitted infections is a nationally notifiable infectious disease that should be reported to the state health department?A. ChlamydiaB. Humanpapillomavirus C. CandidiasisD. Herpssimplexvirus12. A nurse is teaching a newly licensed nurse about therapeutic techniques to use when leading a group on a mental health unit. Which of the following group facilitation techniques should the nurse include in the teaching?

  1. Share personal opinions to help influence the group’s values
  2. Measuretheaccomplishmentsofthegroupagainstapreviousgroup
  3. Yieldinsituationsofconflictstomaintaingroupharmony
  4. Usemodelingtohelptheclientsimprovetheirinterpersonalskills

13. A nurse is planning for a client who practices Orthodox Judaism. The client tells the nurse that (Unable to read) Passover holiday. Which of the following action should the nurse include in the plan of care?

  1. Providechickenwithcreamsauce.
  2. Avoid serving fish with fins and scales.
  3. Provideunleavenedbread.
  4. Avoidservingfoodscontaininglamb.

14. A nurse is caring for a client who has a pulmonary embolism. The nurse should identify the effectiveness of the treatment

  1. A chest x-ray reveals increased density in all fields.
  2. Theclientreportsfeelinglessanxious.
  3. Diminishedbreathsoundsareauscultatedbilaterally
  4. ABG results include Ph 7.48 PaO2 77 mm Hg and PaCO2 47 mm Hg.

15. A nurse in an emergency department is assessing a client who reports ingesting thirty diazepam tablets (Unable to read) a respiratory rate of 10/min. After securing the client’s airway and initiating an IV, which of the following actions should the nurse do next.

  1. Monitortheclient’sIVsiteforthrombophlebitis.
  2. Administerflumazeniltotheclient.
  3. Evaluate the client for further suicidal behavior.
  4. Initiateseizureprecautionsfortheclient.



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